Regular activity and fitness are essential for all children. According to government guidelines, children should do at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a day, during the week. When you have a budding Baller in your midst, how can you make sure your children are keeping their fitness levels up even when they’re not at sessions?
Lots of parents struggle to find the time to have engaged playtime with their children. Playing at home can often be dependent on the available space and there are a myriad of hazards you might encounter there. Tripping and falling around sharp objects are amongst the most significant injuries that families can suffer at home. Safety comes first when it comes to playing active games at home.
Indoor games can be especially helpful for improving agility and ball skills. Games such as Halfway Football can be played with the simplest of resources. Set up goals with masking tape in your hallway at either end. The game should be played between two or more players who try to get to the goal and score. Use a softball, futsal or similar and remember all the family is welcome.
Children and young people spend too much time sitting or lying down. Owing to the pandemic, being in bed or sitting at a computer has been normalised. Instead of making areas of your home laptop or phone-free, consider some fun ball games to break them away from the gadgets. The Bouncer Challenge offers a variety of different movements, essential for strengthening their muscles, bones and adding variety to the day.
The Bouncer Challenge has a ‘dribbler’ and another player who acts as the ‘bouncer’. Play in a small park, green or area with turf to get the best out of this challenge. The aim of the game is for the dribbler to shield and dribble the ball away from the bouncer. The bouncerβs role is to dislodge the ball from the dribbler by bouncing the ball in the direction of the ball. Swap roles once youβve managed to steal the ball away!
If you want a range of outdoor games, options include:
- The Gate Race Challenge: This game demands you have 8 cones, (or something that can act as a cone), at least 2 people, a football, and a large outdoor space. One player dribbles the ball through the cones and the other must count to ten before they can tackle the player. The first player to get to 20 successful tackles or successful dribbles through the cones wins!
- Knee Football: A simple game of football played on the knees is ideal for the outdoors and is surprisingly tiring. This game is great for ball control and family bonding and can give you Ballers a new way to move. Just be ready to get the washing on after playing!
- Wall Football: A great game that can be played in a playground or in the local park. You just need a football and a vertical surface such as a wall or a fence. The game is designed to teach ball control so itβs important not to let the ball fly past you. For an extra challenge, see how many areas you can get the ball to touch, starting with feet and ending with the head. Get as many family members involved as possible to make it a little more competitive!
Keep balling with Ballers Academy! Check out our website to book for your Ballers now!